If you’re engaged in activities like running or sports that involve frequent changes in direction, it’s crucial to incorporate targeted exercises to strengthen your calves. Did you know that the calves consist of two main muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus? The gastrocnemius is more active when the knee is straight, whereas the soleus is more engaged when the knee is bent. Unfortunately, many individuals overlook calf strengthening exercises or focus solely on the gastrocnemius without acknowledging the importance of the soleus.

In the accompanying videos, I demonstrate two variations for each calf muscle. The first set of exercises targets the gastrocnemius, while the second set focuses on the soleus. I recommend performing these exercises unilaterally (on one leg) rather than bilaterally, as it mimics the single-leg stance often utilized during running and sports activities.
It’s worth noting that the soleus muscle absorbs a significant amount of force compared to other muscles in the lower limb, as illustrated in the provided slide. Therefore, when you’re at the gym, make sure not to neglect your leg workouts, and remember to prioritize strengthening your soleus muscle.