How do we use Sports Data?
At Recover Strong Physiotherapy (RSP), we employ assessments such as the Counter Movement Jump and Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull to gauge an athlete’s ability.
Our approach ensures personalized assessments for every individual, irrespective of injury status, enabling us to collect important data tailored to each client’s unique needs and goals, thereby optimizing their training program.
Why is this important for athletes?
a) Performance profiling: The gathered data facilitates the differentiation between explosive versus strength-oriented athletes. This aids in tailoring training programs to emphasize plyometric, slow heavy resistance, or rate of force development exercises accordingly.
b) Performance benchmarking: Sports data establishes a foundational overview of an athlete’s capabilities, enabling the monitoring of training blocks to assess their efficacy in improving performance.
c) Injury rehabilitation benchmarking: Baseline data serves as a reference point for an athlete’s return to sports following an injury.
d) Identifying strength asymmetry: Sports data enables the detection of disparities in strength between the athlete’s left and right sides.